YouTube’s New Content

The New York Times “Critics Notebook” came down hard on YouTube’s attempts to create TV-like content. See the full article here, and now some highlights… Do you agree, or have a different thought? With regular weekly shows and viewer-friendly playlists, they are indeed slightly more televisionlike than the millions of mostly homemade videos that surround…

Online-Video is Looking More Like Television

  comScore’s September data sheds some light on the non Google video-sharing sites, the top ad networks, and the top-1o channels on YouTube, all of which are professional. The biggest takeaway? The Santa María, La Niña, and La Pinta have long since landed and the corn-sharing Indians are being run off the east coast. Professional content (or web…

The Difference Between YouTube’s Amateur and Professional Content

What’s the primary difference between an amateur on YouTube and a professional creator? Not the production quality or style, silly. It’s the viewership. As you see below, the most-viewed partners are almost entirely professional. Yet the most-subscribed people are almost all amateurs. It’s a simple point, but important one: Don’t think subscriptions will necessarily lead…

Most Popular YouTube Stars: Rankings, Stats and Trends

My last post about TheStation made me revisit the most-subscribed YouTube “stars” and channels to see what’s changed. Who are the most-viewed, most-subscribed and most popular people on YouTube? Here are some trends, stats and sources for additional information. First some trends: We’re still seeing YouTube’s “most subscribed” list (more important than “most viewed” because…

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Trend Spotting: Tag-Team Vlogging… Brothers, Awesome Girls, Guys, Kids and Dogs.

It’s the hottest new trends in video vlogging since ZeFrank jumped the shark. A video channel shared by multiple people, each of whom takes a certain day of the week. The possibilities are endless. Thought it’s probably an art form that has roots in the 1700s, this was mainstreamed by BrotherHood 2.0, where two brothers…