RSS a YouTube Channel

Some of you aren’t regular YouTube viewers, but have loads of RSS (feeds) available via a reader. I use iGoogle as my reader, for instance, and I have a customized page loaded with RSS feeds from my favorite blogs and websites. Butterfly. If you prefer to get alerts for new videos that way, here’s a…


Instructions for YouTube Branded Channel (pdf)

Hey, look what I found while Google searching for specifications to create YouTube channel banners (not the paid banner ads, but the branded banners that appear on the top of customized brand channels or partner homepages). A lot of this applies only to “branded channels,” but it’s still more informative than the meager YouTube help…

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A Spoon Full of Sugar Makes the Photoshop Learning Go Down

Brilliant video collection here. Like you, I don’t like reading manuals. I do like getting better and faster at my software. MyDamnChannel has a series of very clever but informative tutorials about PhotoShop called “You Suck at Photoshop.” This recent one (You Suck at Photoshop #4) is absolutely self deprecating and wonderful. Donnie Hoyle shows…