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Be the “Life of Your Office” With These Tasteless Pranks

I love a slow-boil video, and this one delivers some hysterical prank bits that become increasingly tasteless… from desktop and fax pranks to “shivving” and murder. All with whispy 1940s commercial music. “Five April Fool’s Office Pranks” on Break.com. I also enjoy the repetition of a gag, like this skinny Brit’s unbridled enthusiasm when his…

A Nurse, Marketer and Homeless Guy Break Dance

Online video collaborations are probably my favorite part of online video. Probably the first online-video creator with whom I developed a parasocial relation was the affable homeless guy from Texas known as Marquisdejolie. He has a blog. Google it (anyone catch that reference?). Via JibJab, here’s him break dancing with me, and songwriter-nurse-YouTuber, ChristopherMast. Before…