
Dismal Advertising Forecast- But Online-Video Has Immunity Idol

Despite this gloomy IDC report (AdAge) about online-advertising contracting, online video will flourish. And I’m not the only guy who thinks so. IDC’s director for digital media and entertainment, Karsten Weide, tells AdAge that online advertising spending will be soft the first half of 2009 (butĀ online advertising will do better than the economy at large)….


Amateur Commercial Beats Agency Ads in Superbowl

It’s not the first year a Superbowl ad was produced by an amateur (source: Advertising Age report on USAToday poll). But this year’s $2000.00 commercial featuring a crystal ball getting tossed into a Doritos machine beat many of the Madison-created commercials. It’s a good day for companies like Poptent/Xlntads, which contract with amateurs to produce…