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  1. Have you seen the new face of Eefoof? Actually, there soon will be no more Egoof. Now, feast your mind’s eye on

  2. thanks nalts, your site is always worth checking for the latest in online vid

    greetings from the land downunder

  3. I think there’s a new industry being born for VV, hiring someone to upload all your stuff on to all these sites to generate $. Who has the time? Could end up being a nice little business for the right person.

  4. marquis,did u notice that vume only has adsense on their video & image pages? I’m guessing they will pay even less than eefoof,at least for now.They did have a feature on the video uploader that lets u choose the exact time to take a thumbnail,so thats a unique feature……..Amanda,exactly! SHOW US DA MONEY!!!!

  5. I just registered with vume and attempted to upload a vid result…errors and a time out well done vume see you in a couple of months maybe.

  6. I think the payment comparison is unfair – they compare the $ per views, which make most paying sites seem more attractive than metacafe. Yet post a video on any other paying site, you’ll get very few views.

    The same video got me $922 on metacafe and ¢5 on Revver.

    Check out how much people actually make at metacafe and then compare with other sites:

  7. Metacafe is a tough site for niche market videos. Which is probably what the majority of people are making. My videos struggle to find an audience there.

    At least on Revver you have more of a chance to earn based on how much you promote your own work to your market.

    Thanks Nalts for the heads up on an excellent article.

  8. Yeah I think they gave Revver a pretty harsh review. There where no actual hard facts about the amount of money you can make from any particular site. Just speculation based on their revenue sharing models. I’ve made zip from metacafe and but have made Around $10 – $30 per video on Revver. I wish someone would do some actual case studies on these sites so we can learn where the most profit is to be had!

  9. I have seen from some of my vids that the “views to click” ratio varies greatly. Pepsi Girl continues to rises slowly but at its peak last summer was getting around 16,000 a day which made around $130-$160 a day this went on for around 250,000 then it kinda slowed down, TVWeek advised us to use Revver after they made us “viral of the week” which led its “youtube” release getting 1.5 million views we could of kicked ourselves bah.

  10. Hey Davideo – Thanks for giving us some real info on how profitable Revver can be. I know from personal experience that Revver seems to work best for videos that only get a few views but it’s good to know that it works for the really popular videos too!

  11. Is anyone attempting to sell their own advertising, such as inserting ads at the end of vids? Anyone haveing any success?

  12. I would be interested in cutting my own deals with advertisers not sure how to go about doing it tho, I get between 1k-3k hits a day on one of my site pages.

  13. I’ve seen a few do it on youtube, I’ll ask if they had any sucess.

    check out my blog on google buying double click and applying it to youtube I have an artcle and a link to the story.

  14. talked to one youtuber who said he received $25 a week for advert on his videos – the guy who paid him said he got a significant amount of hits, but no stats on how many of those new hits made a purchase.

    Maybe Kevin can set something up with an advertiser, keep track, see how many hits and how many purchases are made, is double click really worth a billion? Perhaps we can see what youtube thinks your videos are worth in ad dollars?

  15. Has anyone noticed that the Flixya site has been down for 2 days now. I think it’s safe to say it’s not worth uploading your videos to a site like that!

  16. Just Uploading a vid to VuMe now. So far it’s taken 30 minutes to load half of a 3:45 video. Far too long. In contrast YouTube does it in about 5 minutes.

  17. Leigh,

    I have had pretty good success with some videos I shared on Flixya (got lucky with keywords?!), but the site has been crashing lately. I think they are launching a new site soon: just saw it on the front page. Anyway, the new platform is supposedly 100% revenue share enabled. Look forward to that.


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