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  1. all I have to say is THANK GOD that Chris Crocker lost to Michael Buckley.

    I would have won the best catchphrase category, if there was one…

  2. Reubnick: I agree. I was afraid Chris Crocker would win. What the Buck is a good show and Chris Crocker is just a ham.

  3. What did Charlie say when he couldn’t get the computer to work awhile back? “Suped peter!” That’s what I’ve got to say about the YT awards.

    Chawklit Rain!!!! <—- I actually like that! The commercial wasn’t bad either with the squirrel cameo.

  4. Your problem is that they don’t have a “best youtube drama” category. You would win that hands down.

  5. the whole setup sounded like mob rule to me.

    I like MB and he’s a nice guy so I voted for him, but the ep they picked wasn’t really his best, and what is the criteria to be nominated anyway? who picked the candidates in the first place and based on what? I didn’t watch any of the others, well, except crocker

    I suppose it’s a nice feeling for the winners, and that’s ok, and the votes certainly get you a little attention and probably more viewers, but what are the guidelines to get nominated in the first place?

    the whole process just seemed so grammar schooloolish to me.

    The thing I dislike about You Tube most is they treat and think the users and the viewing public are stupid.

    wait a minute… I voted. nevermind

  6. I wondered about that, surly there has to be more to it than Seth and Trisha’s favorite videos on the Employee’s wall at the Blockbusters

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