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Streaming Media East (NYC) on Tuesday, May 20

I’ll be moderating a panel for Streaming Media East tomorrow (Tuesday, May 20) at the NYC Hilton. The topic is “Creating and Promoting Amateur and Viral Videos” (A103) 1:45 PM – 2:30 PM

The session explores what makes a video viral and how marketers and amateurs can promote their video using online video sites and blogs. Proven industry experts reveal what works and what doesn’t — often counterintuitive advice that has helped them garner millions of viewers for one-hit wonders and serialized content. Come see firsthand examples from some of the best viral videos creators on the web and learn how they have created an online audience.

  • Moderator: Kevin Nalts, Product Director, Industry blogger, WillVideoForFood.com
  • Presenters…
  • Paul Kontonis, CEO, Co-Founder, For Your Imagination
  • J. Crowley, Founder, Black20
  • Ben Relles, Founder and CEO, BarelyPolitical.com (Obama Girl Creator)
  • Kip “Kipkay” Kedersha, Viral Video Producer, Metacafe Top Producer

Wish me luck. If you come, ask me a ridiculous question. And I’ll report back some highlights.

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  1. I’ll be in period 11 then; Social Studies is in my computer lab. At least we are making web pages; it should be more interesting than the usual. I’d still rather be at your conference, Kevin.

    PS-To those of you who might have been worried, I had my summative (end of year) evaluation yesterday from the principal (the one I showed “2 Girls 1 Cup” to at a party), and he gave me an excellent report. Plus he said I’ll probably get tenure next month. So I guess I didn’t sabotage my career after all.

  2. Yay marilyn!!

    Nalts – is this just a bunch-of-geeks-in-a-room panel or will it be live online also? Because I can guarantee you I could come up with some really crazy questions for you if it’s gonna be live online.

  3. I hope it turns out better than the Rhett & Link show you did awhile back.

    Too bad you didn’t save your half shaven beard.

    Good Luck! :o)

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