Stickam, Web Video Streaming, RIP

May Stickam RIP
May Stickam RIP

Stickam is dead. Another casualty of the online-video sharing market. Said the company via e-mail:

After seven wonderful years we are incredibly sad to have to say goodbye. We did everything we could to keep this dream alive, but unfortunately you are reading this message.

When Stickam launched in 2005 we were the very first website devoted to live streaming, user generated video and chat. There was no blueprint, no roadmap to follow. We didn’t know where you would take us.

Users have until Feb. 28, 2013 to save their media. Meanwhile, here are 10 sites like Stickam. Which will survive?

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  1. Look who remembered the login to his blog lol. Three posts in one day, and you may not even be done yet. 🙂 Anyway yeah though I haven’t used it in years sad to see stickam die.

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