
Sneak Under Curtain and Test Drive Revver 1.0

revver2.jpgI got to test drive Revver recently, and it’s really cool. Now you can test it before launch (which is actually tomorrow not today).

Here’s the Revver 1.0 site. Post bugs here.

Note- Revver remains more of a tool than a destination. Think of it as a PayPal that empowers anyone to sell online. It’s not a video site you surf (lots of those), but it will continue to act like the “Intel Inside” of online video sites– small and large. Why? It’s paying content creators and enabling site owners to stream video for free AND make affiliate income.

Nothing similar exists, but few understand Revver’s model (it took me about 6 months of writing the Revver unofficial blog — www.revverberation.com — before I got it).

The bottom line is that you don’t upload to Revver and watch the money roll in. Your upload is the beginning of your journey. Once it’s up you need to get sites embedding your videos or linking to them.

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  1. The new site looks cool. I look forward to posting some videos on revver soon. If i can just get them made, i will be alright.

    One Revver’s facts page, they list http://www.myyahoo.com as one of the sites where you can share your videos. That seems strange to me. Does that mean that you can still make money from uploading one of your Revver videos into Yahoo Video? If so, i would think that yahoo would prevent that somehow and also, how can people click on a revver ad that is integrated into yahoo’s video player? I am having trouble understanding that. Nalts, if you could help me with this, that would be great or if someone else could explain that, i would appreciate it.

  2. TK- Someone once accused me (maybe you?) of promoting Revver too often. So I’ve been working on balance. Revver right now deserves some attention, though.

    Nicole- I don’t get that either. I’ll ask them to comment. You’re currect that you can’t upload a Revver video and keep the tag entact on Yahoo. Maybe there’s another way to embed the video without submitting it.

  3. i think what they mean by myyahoo is that you can rss syndicate your links to populate on myyahoo.

    last i checked (a few weeks back) you couldn’t upload a revver video into yahoo video

  4. Yes, it was likely me carping about that earlier. But your efforts have paid off. I’ve created an account and plan on uploading a few videos in the near future. I’ll keep you posted on the results.

  5. Oh, yeah, Marquis. That’s probably it. You can RSS your stuff anywhere. And the new Revver will make them list SEQUENTIALLY! (ala YouTube). Way important when you have 200 videos dating back over 9 months ore more.

  6. Marquis was correct. Here’s the note from Micki (at Revver). She’s updating the Q&A accordingly:

    My Yahoo users can log in and subscribe to RSS feeds of Revver videos. We are building out our relationship with them to work together in other ways as well. For now, they are just another place where Revver videos are distributed. I’ll clarify this in the FAQs. Thanks!

  7. I think Revver should put the most recent videos onto the front page, because the little traffic generated from that was nice. I’m in a weird position because my episodes of my show are long (like 10+ minutes sometimes), so I really don’t want to Revverize them. So I’ve been Revverizing clips and posting them in a select few places, but most of the traffic comes from Technorati. I’ll eventually include some clips on my own site.

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