Siri the Horror Movie
Seen it? SIRI the iPhone killer. I love the shots of it running along from the perspective of the iPhone camera, and the scene where she drags someone through the mud.
Seen it? SIRI the iPhone killer. I love the shots of it running along from the perspective of the iPhone camera, and the scene where she drags someone through the mud.
TheMightyThor1212 stole my identity, and I love it. He’s the YouTuber that has been to more global YouTube in-person gatherings than anyone else. So I couldn’t be more proud that he decided to pretend he’s me in Canada recently. Here’s the clip. During the NYC 777 YouTube gathering, he and I appeared together in this…
In this video… Britney Spears, in a thick Southern accent, discusses deep issues… like whether to go see a movie or stay home and drink. Or whether time travel ala “Back to the Future” is real.
Perhaps you watched Celebrity Apprentice last night, where the b-listers teamed up to create a “viral” video for O-Cedar’s ProMist Spray Mop. Note that I put “viral” in quotes since it’s not a viral video unless it goes viral. For that matter, let’s call it what it is: try-ral. It’s trying. It may go viral,…
Nalts at Vidcon 2010 [youtube][/youtube] cutesy of stalkerofnalts
PBS ceded to parents who complained that the Katie Perry & Elmo “Hot and Cold” parody showed a little more skin that kids should see. Was it a calculated media draw, or are parents just over reacting? After all, Elmo is nude. Here’s the clip, which PBS is permitting Katie to use. But don’t look…
So here’s a sneak preview of the third revision of “How to Get Popular on YouTube Without Any Talent.” Thanks to those of you who have sent edits, and I’m sure there are some residual holes. If you have the time/desire, please review and provide edits either in comments or on Microsoft Word’s edit thingy….
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Yeah, Android for me 😉
funny video
definitely love my Android
Yey people are reading. Now go watch Shelly the Shrimp 10K times please.
I’ll bring along my script family, they’ll be delighted to automate the growth of your shrimpalicious joy.
Is this what REALLY happened to Steve Jobs?