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Short Jokes on Video… Ready for Mobile Viewing

mobi.jpgJust discovered Mobijokes.tv. The site features very short jokes that are acted out and shot in cinema-quality form. Fantastic production, and some very funny bits. Be sure to sign up so you know when new ones hit.
This is the kind of thing that will explode as we start wanting to consume videos via the cell phone. There’s no good reason why my “Too Many Videos” was a top YouTube/Verizon download when there are video bits like MobiJoke’s “Upstairs” that have been produces for short-form consumption.

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  1. haha, so original. I would totally watch something like that on my cell phone… i’m sick of crappy news feeds and sketchy trailers.

  2. thanks guys, we are working hard to make this stuff…as you all know the money is sketch at this point, but we are betting the farm one day someone will want this type of thing.

    Kevin thanks for the blog.

    -Obin Olson

  3. What wonderful props to something SO deserving!! Everyone works so hard to make these perfect and it shows. Kevin, thanks for recognizing something so refreshing, unique and HYSTERICAL!!!!! 🙂

  4. Kevin, things are blowing up, someone stole our 911 rednecks video stripped out our credits and now it’s loading on the front page of myspace getting tons and tons of hits….what can I do about it?? so sucky that someone would STRIP our credits …..help

  5. Just the other day my sister in law sent me a Newfie joke about two hunters that had the same plot line as the 911 rednecks video. Being the creative savant I think I am, I visualized that and other similar viral jokes as short videos for the web and mobile.

    Then your post about mobijokes appeared. I’m glad SOMEONE is doing this, just sorry it’s not me!

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