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  1. I thought we’d see pics of your new hair. Is it like plastic surgery in that you don’t look good until you’ve has a chance to heal?

  2. @3 Indeed… he gave me an oxygen spray that the military uses for wounds. And I did a pressurazed oxygen tank for 1.4 hours yesterday in Florida.

    @4 Not free- but Dr. Bauman was very kind with me.

    @5 Well for now I’m baldish.

    @6 Yep! Editing a best-of video and a few more. Can’t wait to post!

  3. Hair loss is not necessarily hereditary. There may be reasons other than hereditary reasons too. Hereditary baldness in women occurs due to female pattern alopecia. This is genetic and it is passed on from father or mother to their daughter. Two enzymes known as aromatase ad 5a reductase may be responsible for this. Aromatase is seen more in women.

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