Secrets and Scams to Save Money in College (and beyond)

A special video for you WillVideoforFood subscribers, and the secret members of the UncleNalts family. How to scam your way to saving money in college (and beyond). Some of my tips to help you waltz along life without playing by the rules of everyone else (okay that was a joke).

How to save money, sneak into events, avoid parking tickets, hide stuff in dorms, fake IDs, use bathrooms, get discounts on cars and hotels, get into a restaurant without a reservation, get liquids on a plane, get out of some speeding tickets, save cash at a movie, and more…

Please DIGG THIS PAGE if you like it. I want to see if Digg still works.

It may be almost 8 minutes long, but I guarantee you’ll learn something new that pays. Or you can have your 8 minutes back… no questions asked. Well at least it’s add free. Because UncleNalts don’t run no ads, and he’s no big-headed “partner.” No sir. He’s just your crazy Uncle, and you may be glad he’s not your dad… but he always makes reunions a bit more interesting.

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  1. Great tips Kevin!

    Here’s a couple; if you want to get into the theatre, orchestra or the circus go on a Friday afternoon, usually when all the old people go – tell the agent at the call window you’re a student and ask if they have any free or cheap seats. If it’s a slow afternoon or bad weather 9 out of 10 times they will let you in for free or for $10. Season ticket holders sometimes tell the call window they won’t be there and to give their ticket away. This is usually a last minute thing, also look and dress pathetic.

    This isn’t really a trick, but most museums have a free day for locals, if you’re from out of state borrow a friends ID to get in, they usually don’t care about the picture. If you’re a member of a local museum and you go out of state flash your local museum member card at the out of state museum and they’ll let you in for free or at a discount.

    If you want a nice store discounts and they have a twitter account follow them, then message asking if they have any coupons for following them on twitter, they’ll usually send you a coupon code.

    Brands – if you go to a store and they have a sale on a particular brand and they are out of the product, instead of a raincheck ask the manager for the same discount on similar and better item.

    If you buy anything in a can and the can is bent ask the manager to discount the product.

    Moving and need some odd size boxes, try the art stores. Call them on dilivery day and ask them if they have the size you’re looking for, they won’t break it up and they’ll hold them for you.

    Cheap B&W film developing, still using the old 35mm? Most Universities and some local high schools will let you use their dark rooms and chemicals to develop your own film at a great discount or small yearly fee.

    If you’re a really poor student and need food talk to the produce manager at the local grocery store on Monday morning or delivery day. If the local food bank doesn’t pick stuff up it’s amazing what they toss out.

    Need an old computer, printer or parts? Universities have dumping bins all around their campus. Most of the bins are unlocked. Check inside the Engineering, Chemistry or Business school loading docks. Be discrete and don’t take the hard drives.

  2. Uhh, excuse me? What were you talking about? I kept the video on freeze frame for awhile when you showed us your new little soldiers. Crispy lookin little fellas.

    I just learned of…search your local area and you can buy, for example, $25 gift cards for like $10. I didn’t do a gift card, but I did print out a coupon $10 off a meal of $25 or more and it only cost me 80 cents.

  3. @2

    $10 is a discount ticket?!?
    Where I live a matinĂ©e is $3.50 and if you’re a student you can get in for $4 (unless it’s a 3D feature) anytime.

  4. @6

    Whoops! Apparently I can’t read. I thought you were talking about a movie theater.

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