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“Ripple Effect” News for Online Video? Puh-leez.

In a move the Wall Street Journal said could have a “ripple effect” for networks, CBS said it would will simulcast the soon-to-launch “Evening News with Katie Couric” live on the Internet. The WSJ ads, “Until now, no major TV networks have aired any of their programs on the Web simultaneously with television, although several of the networks have begun to stream programs after they’ve aired.” The ads for the online version will be sold separately.

This is news in 2006? I swear someone just put me in a time machine and dropped me off at the end of the 1990s. This is like watching Amazon’s rise as the traditional book sellers dabbled their plump, swollen, smelly toes into the online space.

CBS- here’s an idea. Tear down your website and just put up Katie’s bio on CBS.com. Make it appear as flash with music in the background. It would be very vogue.

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  1. i’m actually gald to hear this. the whole undertone of online video has been the convergence between the computer and the television. watching programming on the networks and cable by using your remote versus watching all kinds of crap by using your mouse and keywoard while connected to the internet. sooner or later the two will be the same. this is just a decent sized step towards that realization.

    you’ll be surfing around the web one day and you’ll get a little pop up reminder that the evening news is about to start. thats pretty cool.

    i hope that enough people sign-up to get the alert that a new girl has been filmed.


  2. Here’s the important distinction. The networks need to invite time shifting. Case in point… last night my Comcast was on the fritz, so TiVo recorded the season premier to Prison Break as a bunch of static. Same went for the Shatner roast. I’m tortured!

    So now I’m PERFECTLY willing to spend $5 to get each of these. But they’re not available!

    It’s pretty simple… the networks archive all shows and make them available (with advertising if they wish) for a modest price… immediately after the episode airs. It’s new found revenue, and if they don’t do it someone else will illegally.

  3. i agree with your point about time shifting and the availability of shows when the user wants to watch them.

    my point though about watching the convergence is that you still have two separate entities. The TV and the cpu monitor.

    As more networks introduce that live feed into the broadband connection the more the two mediums become one (resolution, and quality issues aside).

    this is one of the reasons why the cable companies are fighting hard to break the network neutrality regulations. why will the consumer pay for two connections when the can get everything over one line.

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