Ridley Scott Creates User-Generated Documentary (Life in a Day)

Life in a Day
Life in a Day Will Star... You

On July 24 individuals from across the globe will be videotaping moments from their day, and submitting for potential inclusion in a film produced by Ridley Scott (see his explanation video).

“Life in a Day” may be the first crowd-sourced film, and will be directed by Kevin Macdonald (see the film’s YouTube channel, “LifeInADay” for more details). YouTube asked me to make a video to announce the film and encourage individuals to participate, and Waffle Bear joined me on this cheesy promotion (see video below).

Are you going to participate?

See this piece in the Baltimore Sun, as writer Gus Sentementes poses the question, “How can the filmmakers be sure that the footage that’s getting uploaded was actually shot on July 24th?”

Oh, Gus. It’s consumer-generated content. How can they be sure the people are real, the releases have been signed, and the footage isn’t a copyright infringement? Don’t sweat the small stuff, Gus.

You’ll have to wait until Sundance in 2011 to see the film (see thorough coverage on WSJ). That’s plenty of time for sifting through thousands of hours of awkward footage, editing, and for the more labor-intensive work of verifying copyrights.

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  1. I don’t get it. Who is actually going to watch this documentary other than the people who try to get in it?

  2. Ridley Scott, eh? Maybe I can produce a long melodramatic rain-soaked monologue about ‘gunships on fire off of Orion’s belt’. Or drive a Tbird into the Grand Canyon or something.

  3. Alexis it’s an experiment

    people will watch if the clips are interesting, how well the film is edited and if the critics like it.

    However, I think if he wants people to submit stuff he ought to donate any money to a charity

  4. Maybe I can score myself a cameo in that! Oh, wait, I forgot. The real life of Reubnick is the single most boring and pathetic life there ever was, so I don’t think I would really bring much to the table. I wish everybody else well, though!

  5. I’ve been dying to become just another face in a large crowd of people who sit alone in their rooms editing videos of themselves.

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