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Research About Online-Video Viewing

More research about online-video and television viewing. This Harris study tells us so much and yet so little. What I was hoping (based on the lead) is that it would talk about how online-video is cannibalizing, if at all, television viewing. Certainly for me I spend far more time watching video on my monitor than my overpriced HDTV.

  • More television viewers are turning to the Internet to watch videos, films and TV episodes, according to a new survey.
  • Approximately 65 percent of the 2,455 U.S. adults surveyed by Harris Interactive said they have watched a video on YouTube, compared to 42 percent during the same time last year. More than 42 percent of YouTube viewers said they visit the site frequently, up from 33 percent last year.
  • Apart from YouTube, which most people favored because they felt it had almost every video they could find, 43 percent said they have watched a video on a TV network Web site, followed by 35 percent on news sites and less than 30 percent on search engines such as Yahoo and Google.
  • Online viewers said they would watch more TV episodes and full-length movies if more were available. There was less interest in viewing more amateur or user-generated videos, news and sports, according to the survey.

Via Reuters. By Claire Sibonney; Editing by Patricia Reaney.

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  1. Those numbers may rise all around when we see the sales figures on computers and monitors this holiday; c2d, 6 mos of free broadband, and 19″ standard. One thing that did surprise me was how many people still don’t get or use google for everything. I also think most people won’t admit to watching anything other than cute on You Tube. The last one TV and Movies, doesn’t surprise me, people like familiar there is a lot of power in a name.

  2. Good summary,

    I must say I am a bit skeptical in regards to the current stats out there pertaining to online video viewer ship. I am currently collecting and reviewing such stats as part of a CDN industry review, thanks for the coverage. A few other recent posts out there are as follows:

    Looking Back Through The Numbers
    Posted December 18th, 2007 by Mike Cassidy

    In Today’s WSJ: Marrying the TV and Internet

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