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  1. completely off topic – if anyone tivo’d the abc show i*caught tonight, nalts dressed as a hick at the 7-7-7 gathering shows up at about minute 26. he’s only there for a half second…

  2. Sukatra – Short answer: not really

    Long answer: It was a one-hour show dedicated to tracking down the people who shot and posted some viral videos. In one hour, they showed maybe 5 viral videos.

    In typical network fashion, they covered very little. I’m guessing here, but it was about:

    4.99% telling you what the show is about and that there’s video on the internet
    20% setup of the stories by the host with silly graphics and special effects
    10% non-interview story background
    5% clips from viral videos
    10% interviews
    20% commercials
    30% transitions into and out of commercials: teasers of what’s to come and recaps of what you just saw before they went to commercial
    .01% Nalts

    The best part (other than the shot of Nalts) was when they talked about the survey they had on their site of which video the public wanted to learn more about. The public spoke, and they spent about 10 seconds giving you a short synopsis.

  3. Nalts, when are you going to start stickin’ it to the man that controls traditional media? High time you updated the themes in the film, “Network.” You are mad as hell, and you’re not going to take it anymore, At least that’s what wifeofnalts said to me on 7-7-7.

  4. Oh maybe I should start antagonizing “old media.” That would endear me to Lauren Michaels and stuff. Hey- does ANYONE have a copy of that iCaught?

    Marquis- I love your response to my teeth reference. Be real- you weren’t watching my videos. You picked it up in a tag.

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