“Pulling a Bruno”

I now proclaim the phrase, “Pulling a Bruno.” Sacha Baron Cohen, who stared in the $150 million Borat sensation, saw his latest film plateau in the box office after a strong start from hard-core fans… presumably not motivated to evangelize the film to the mass market.

"Bend ovah and feel da box office slide"
"Bend ovah and feel da box office slide"

You can use those three words, “Pulling a Bruno” in various situations:

  • Someone starts strong in a race, then exhausts quickly.
  • A viral hit, or personality, dies as fast as it peaked.
  • A person passes out suddenly during a party.

Don’t worry, Universal. We’ve all been there. Take my hand. I know how you feel (see image below).

Truth is, every time I’ve been in a position to sway someone to/from the film, all I can think about is a penis swinging in circles.

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  1. Unfortunately, it’s really hard to miss or remove that image from the memory of the film and there are so many that are hard to forget.
    Champagne anyone?

    Which thought or trend will “dominate” the film?

    I’m not sure if ‘Pulling a Bruno’ is the right catch phrase for what you’re describing because,
    1. I don’t know if there are other films or ideas that could speak better of the title with more exclusivity.

    2. If, the memory of a number of scene, including the swing, will overshadow the drastic drop in attendance, thus raising only the eyebrow of the G-eneral populace when mentioning ‘Pulling a Bruno’ as you reach, and not so hard to hear while quickly exiting your company the passing mumbling in response to your quip, “pervert!”

    That said, I would like to think of it more as an insider term.

    There’s one thing I’ll say for the movie, and perhaps to add definition to your phrase, it had everything, and I mean everything, but staying power.

  2. We saw it. We thought it was funny, but “not as good as the first one (he made, i.e. Borat).”

    But yeah, I’m gonna have a hard time telling people to watch it. It’s definitely not for everyone!

    One thing I missed from Borat is the scenes where you couldn’t tell for sure if it was paid actors or unknowing stooges. The Borat film actually generated lawsuits from outraged unknowing participants (unless those were faked?). That kind of buzz is great to pull in an audience.

    I think I missed the point of your thread.

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