Bank of America is Your Sweet But Senile Grandmother on Twitter

Bank of America is Your Sweet But Senile Grandmother on Twitter

Digiday writer Saya Weissman lists Bank of America in the top-5 brand fails on Twitter, and I just had my own amusing experience with the bank. Today’s lesson for brands is simple: while it can’t hurt to integrate your customer service help desk with your social media efforts, you probably shouldn’t have customer service reps…

Poor Man’s SONOS: How To Make a Badass Bluetooth Audio System from Amo Box and Old Radio Shack Speakers

Poor Man’s SONOS: How To Make a Badass Bluetooth Audio System from Amo Box and Old Radio Shack Speakers

Who needs the fancy Bose Soundlink Mini Bluetooth wireless rechargeable speakers? Or your fancy SONOS systems? Here’s my morning project… a do-it-yourself semi-portable amplified Bluetooth speaker system made out of my grandfather’s amo box. If you already have a pair of decent speakers, this system will set you back exactly $44.84 and give you sound… Deleted Me Deleted Me

I didn’t care much when some of the online video sites retired “consumer generated” accounts, and killed my Nalts channels. Metacafe, Revver, Yahoo video, Google video. But I’ve been rooting for the underdog since its infancy. So when I learned today they deleted my account, I felt totally betrayed. is now owned by…

Best Guerilla Campaign of 2013: Walhub Sneaks Into Ikea

Best Guerilla Campaign of 2013: Walhub Sneaks Into Ikea

The creators of Walhub, an electrical switch cover that has storage features, snuck a batch of products into Ikea to demonstrate demand. It’s a clever way to put a new product on a radar, and connect it with an existing brand (Ikea) without, of course, permission. I proclaim “Hacking Ikea,” featured in Adage, the best…

How Did AOL Beat Google/YouTube in Online-Video Advertising?

How Did AOL Beat Google/YouTube in Online-Video Advertising?

Surprising news from NPR about the implication of AOL buying AOL is now above Google/YouTube in online-video advertising views. In ComScore’s Web video rankings for September, AOL topped Google as the property with the most video ads watched last month, with 3.7 billion views compared to the YouTube parent’s 3.2 billion.   This is…

How Much Money Does Jenna Marbles, Smosh and Toby Turner Make on YouTube?

How Much Money Does Jenna Marbles, Smosh and Toby Turner Make on YouTube?

Jenna Mourey (Jannamarbles) makes $4.3 million. Smosh makes $5.7 million. And Toby Turner (TobyGames) makes $4.2 million. That’s according to this infographic, so it’s got to be true. One of the top reasons people visit WillVideoForFood is to read about how much money YouTubers make. Read more… [/caption]

What Percent of Us Have Uploaded a Video? Why?
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What Percent of Us Have Uploaded a Video? Why?

  One in four people (25%) of Americans have uploaded a video, according to a recent Pew Research report. That’s driven by two factors: Mobile — more than 40% of us record video on our cell phones and 40% watch videos on our tiny screens. Social media uptick going from 8% in 2005 to 72%…

Online-Video Ad Spending Up 24% Amid “Historic High” in Online Advertising Revenue

Online-Video Ad Spending Up 24% Amid “Historic High” in Online Advertising Revenue

Digital video brought $1.3 billion in revenue during the first six months of 2013, an uptick of 24 percent over the first half of 2012 at $1.1 billion. This according to recent report by the The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB). Some additional highlights Internet ad revenues grew to a unprecedented $20.1 billion in the first half…