Your Vote Counts

Oh- I’m not talking about the elections. I’m so tired of campaign ads I avoid the television like it was a telemarketer with the Ebola virus. But your vote counts in the Vloggies. Thanks to faithful WVFF reader PC, I’ve discovered that someone nominated this very unfunny blog in the category of Comedy Vlogs. Is…

Is it Politically Correct to Call Colbert an Internet “Indian Giver”?

The bloggersphere is deeply upset about the fact that Viacom has removed Comedy Central’s content from YouTube, especially the work of Stephen Colbert. A “wag of the finger” from to Colbert, who was among the most popular of YouTube’s celebrities until this went down. Colbert has embraced the web and consumer-generated media — encouraging fans to…

Cheating YouTube. And Proud.

We’ve seen lots of YouTube cheaters, but I believe this is the first company that has boldly announced it will cheat YouTube. Driven by disappointing view counts on YouTube and a shameless desire to self promotion, EndlessEurope’s Matt Dickinson writes the following on a comment (edited slightly below for clarity) here on My company has decided to…

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When a 2-Minute Ad is Too Short (Ellen Degeneres and Animals in Amex ad)

I wanted this 2-minute ad to be 5-minutes. Ellen Degeneres stars in this Amex ad featuring animals as her colleagues. It’s better than most content. Absolutely nothing about Amex until the end. But it ties right back to the integrated campaign and it’s as viral as they come. If you’re trying to make yourself sick…

Roll Over Ebert and Roeper… It’s “F%@# the Movies”

F%@# the movies is a new anti film critic show, with what it says are “blunt, ridiculous, hilarious, profanity-laced reviews” delivered courtesy two Hollywood comedians Ben Hoffman and Craig Anstett. In this pilot episode our intrepid critics tear a new one for Infamous, The Marine, Man of the Year, and The Grudge. Note- WillVideoforFood readers…

Cheating YouTube

LittleLoco identifies some “YouTube” cheaters. Gaming the system by downloading software that replays their own video over and over. Creating multiple identities and rating yourself. And somehow getting 100 subscribers a day even with no new videos. Things that make you go “hmmmmm….” (LittleLoco’s video courtesy of Matt from