
Online-Video Stats August 2009

Here are some more stats about online video via ComScore and MediaBuyerPlanner.

Basically 161 million people watched online video in the U.S, and YouTube maintains a 40% share (followed distantly by Microsoft with 2.2%, and Hulu with even less). So when I use YouTube to refer to online video, it’s like saying “Coke” to refer to soda or “Scotch tape” to refer to adhesive transparent tape.

If you’re a stupid media buyer, here are the ad networks that can help you interupt people during their video-viewing experience:

Tremor Media ranked as the #1 video ad network with a potential reach of 68 million viewers, or 42.2% of the total viewing audience. YuMe Video Network ranked #2 with a potential reach of 59.1 million viewers (36.7% penetration) followed by ScanScout Network with 57.6 million viewers (35.7%).

Or you could try baking your brand message into content that people actually watch… product placement, sponsoring YouTube stars via Hitviews, or creating serialized content and praying someone will watch. It’s a tough call I know.

Hey, no offense Tremor. I know you guys do more than serve video ads… tell us about some of the stuff that works!

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  1. Hello Mr. Nalty!

    Just wanted to see if you knew your Insult Assistant channel is missing a “T” on the assisTant part on the banner?

    Good day to you sir.

  2. ^^^ All that was said in a British accent for some reason…I don’t know, just felt like it. The “hello” part is pronounced “E-llo” for your information.

  3. Marylin… the lack of offensive comments has been a bit disheartening lately. Too many people kissing Kevin’s ass on this blog. It’s a shame and they are doing him a real disservice. Now he’s even gone and made a YT page insulting people. His ego is getting out of hand and it’s making the baby Jesus cry.

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