
Online Video & SEO

I don’t often quote press releases, but this release by Vmatrix is quite accurate:

Two hottest trends in online marketing – streaming video and video SEO – will take off in popularity in 2009. According to online marketing studies, Google’s universal search algorythms, which allow multimedia to appear in search results along with web page links, will change the look of Google search results. More video links and thumbnail images of video links will be seen on Google because more people are searching for video than website content.

I trust that marketers will start posting video content on YouTube if only to help SEO rankings. It works, and in fact Google (not surprisingly) is rather kind to video. Not only do my videos get indexed quickly for terms, but my thumbnail (the image) appears on results. You can’t buy that kind of attention using paid-search ads (remember the eye-trackers show that more than 80% of the attention goes to organic rankings not ads, and ads don’t permit images).

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  1. I predict that by 2010 Google will turn this into a service and charge. I also predict, depending on the economy and the laws, that in the next 3 years net neutrality will be the biggest issue facing all of us.

  2. I predict that in 2012, the world will end.

    Well, no, not really, but your zune is now a brick (click)

    I’m not quite as doomsday as jishinger is on this one, I think what’s happening in video is similar to what happened in general online in the late 90’s, where the Internet moved from being the information superhighway (anyone else remember that term), and became a mullti-million dollar marketplace.

    Soon, someone is going to revolutionize video marketing, possibly in a way we haven’t conceived yet. It will explode, and video will be the next big thing, as it’s already turning out to be. There will still be free places for regular folks to post video (I highly doubt YouTube will move to a pay system for all members), but the vast majority of videos will be market-driven content.

    Oh, and like the tech bubble burst in the early 2000’s, I also predict that within a couple years there will be a video marketing bubble burst. Revver will be out of business for sure, YouTube might quite possibly fall the way Yahoo or Excite did, and as technology grows, video will flourish, just on a less centralized basis.

    How’s that for doomsday prophesy?

  3. Kev lets test this and try something and see if we can get you in the results…let me know if your game

  4. @3
    Marilyn isn’t even here yet, come on!
    get rid of and, replace with a period. Capitalize T in try.
    replace “we can” with you, delete the “you” between “get” and “in the results…”
    get rid of the “…” replace with a period.
    capitalize L in “let”
    “your” should be “you’re”.
    put a period after game.

    Marilyn, did I get everything?

  5. @4:
    My eyes are brimming with tears of pride!!

    It is good to know that someone else on this blog appreciates proper use of the English language.

    PS – I had to read #3 a couple of times before I figures out what CWoN meant.

  6. Why is suddenly everybody so serious on this blog? Are people actually reading it? I may have to find someone else’s blog to rag on.

  7. @8

    [blog whoring]You’re always welcome at “Ramblings of a Nutbar”. I’m far less serious over there than I am here.[/blog whoring]

    I’m only serious here because real marketers read this stuff for some reason, and I have dreams of one day being scooped up into some marketing department, freeing me from getting all my groceries at the Salvation Army food shelf.


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