Online-Video Journalist Humiliated in “Pussy Cat Review Show”

If you haven’t read Daisy Whitney’s TVWeek article about how her phone-tossing habit led to an online video, check it out here. Says the new media journalist (in an article that was published in TVWeek’s print edition).

So what’s the takeaway? What’s the trick to making a viral video? Well, I don’t know if this video will “go viral.” But if it does, it won’t be because the video was expensive, or mapped out, or planned to any great degree. It will be because we didn’t try too hard. To make a viral video, you need to fly by the seat of your pants. And if you like “The Pussycat Review Show,” let me know and we can talk about a distribution deal.

Well we almost bagged this video because the sound quality is so poor (Canon HV20’s internal mic is horrible, and I should have known we’d need a lav or external mic in a studio). But I couldn’t resist uploading it this morning. It’s no better or worse than any of my 700-plus videos. Will it go viral? You’ll decide…

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  1. The only reason that video will go viral is because it has the word PUSSY in the title. The “video tech” guy was the best actor in the lot! :o) j/k

    Was that a big sweat patch on your shirt at the end when you guys were cat fighting? Were you worried DW was going to kick your ass?

    Anybody else get irritated when “watch in higher quality” isn’t available? I’ve kindof gotten used to automatically clicking it now.

  2. Feral Felines Overrun The City!
    by Jolie Blond (Marquisdejolie)

    Over a million stray cats in L.A.,
    said the director of an animal shelter today.
    And this being mating season,
    we’re going to be up to our armpits in the little fuckers.

    The story was announced as
    “Feral Felines Overrun The City!!”
    ( The tv newscaster was borderline hysterical:
    Omigod! Omigod! The cats are coming! [pun intended] )

    At first I thought they were ragging on the hookers again.
    They do that, these paramours of broadcasting,
    standing out on street corners
    with a mike shoved in some poor girl’s face
    asking, “How does it feel to be a streetwalker?”

    But no, it was just cats they were ranting about this time,
    stirring up the mass media litter box,
    using hyperbole to freak out the feeble minded
    and jack up station ratings.

    A million-plus wild cats roaming the city.
    Wow. That’s a lot of pussy.
    Damn. A half million square feet of mobile fur.
    Boggles my mind.

    how many railroad freight cars that would fill?
    And they say there’s a food shortage in town.
    Do you know how many homeless
    that would feed?

  3. I love cats. I have 2 of them myself. They are named Spock and Kirk. What does that tell you about me (and my family)?

    BTW, not that funny.

    I agree with sukatra, but then I always do.

    Have you guys missed me?

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