Online Video Book

cinematech.jpgAs long-time readers of may recall, I’ve been procrastinating a book about online video for longer than a pregnancy. I’ve been trying to find a co-author that can keep the piece on track, but obviously can’t afford a spiffy ghost writer.

In the meantime, it seems someone has beat me to the punch. CinemaTech author Scott Kirsner has written “The Future of Web Video” and is selling it on

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  1. so does this mean you wont be releasing *your* book? it could be released as a PDF if this book is direct competition.

    i often find that different authors have different strengths.

  2. You can still write it. Write your personal journey from your “old media” stuff to Putfile to your Revver enthusiams to the long climb up Youtube. In fact, you’ve already written it.

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