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One of Most Popular YouTubers (HappySlip) Sells DVD Collection

HappySlip, the 5th most subscribed YouTuber, is selling her videos via DVD. To give you an idea of the affinity between the former New Yorker and her fans, I’ll remind you of when I broke into her apartment and stole her stapler. I later auctioned it on eBay and it raised more than $850 for an animal charity.dvd.jpg

One of the nice things about MOST of the online-video channels is that they do not require exclusivity arrangements (and don’t think many didn’t try). So that means Christine can monetize her videos via DVD, or sell the content upstream to mobile and television. And why do I have a feeling that’s coming soon?

The embedded video above is her musical promo.

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  1. HappySlip is great. Now watch all of the haters come out of the woodwork to call her a sellout and a bigger whore than Charles Trippy.

  2. Good for her. HappySlip is the best that the internet has to offer!!! How many DVDs are YOU going to buy, Kevin? They’d make great stocking stuffers for your kids and friends! Hey! Hand the DVDs out to your coworkers at the company Christmas party! You’ll be loved and admired by all! Can you imagine their faces? Nothing says Christmas like half an hour of ethnic Filipino humor and jokes about one’s parents’ bad English. I’m getting nostaligic and mushy just thinking about playing Christina’s music Christmas Eve with my Yule couch burning in the living room and visions of paellas dancing in my head. Awwww, this is gonna be a GREAT Christmas!!

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