NYC 7/8/9 Online-Video Gathering: Saturday 12-4:00 Location Confirmed

I finally got the confirmation from the NYC Parks peeps about the permit for Saturday’s online-video gathering (July 11, 2009 from 12-4:00). Seems the missing piece they needed was a (gasp) $200 check for cleanup. They don’t cash it unless we leave a mess. Please don’t leave a mess.

online-video gathering

Here’s a Google Map that shows the location. It’s not at 97th and Central Park like I thought.

It’s at 67th and Central Park West (known as Heckscher) across the footpath from ballfield number two… umpire rock.

Again- I’m not one of the 7/8/9 gathering organizers, but I just snagged this time and location for two reasons. First, it sounded like most of my friends couldn’t make Wednesday, 7/8/9 because they arrived Friday evening. Second, there wasn’t a location identified for the most natural day (Saturday). Fortunately, this spot is extremely close to the hotels the 789 folks have arranged. I’d like to claim that was premeditated but it’s dumb luck.

Hitviews (for whom I consult) has generously offered to help in any way they can. But some people get so touchy when companies are involved. I tried to get Coke together with the South Tube event and you’d thought I was bringing an Amway seller to a funeral (but I love ya South Tube peeps).

For more information, please see the 789 Gathering site!

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  1. For God sake! What does it take to get one of these things in the Chicago area at least!?! Somewhere I could actually go without going on a weeklong vacation.

  2. Thanks, Nalts!

    I hope the 789 planners don’t feel you’ve “stepped on their toes” by making this arrangement.

    Reubnick – there might be something in the future in Milwaukee – perhaps next spring or summer.

  3. I have only one request about this gathering – could you please bother somebody’s dog, preferably the dog of a person who is mentally unhinged – and get it on video?

    I’m really missing weinergate thse days.

  4. Oh and does anyone know where we could park? Where are you parking at Nalts? I am driving up with my friend…

    OH and are you still going with pipi?

  5. there’s a million parking garages in NYC and it’s super easy to get around all over the place via subway – just park where you see a big sign that says “PARK”

  6. I for one like the idea of a Chicago gathering, except wasn’t there one already and I didn’t get there? OK so how about Milwaukee? Better yet, Madison. Yeah, yeah, I know. Nobody wants to come to Madison. The Chad Vader guys live here, you know?

  7. @Janciepants Well, that is good news. Especially if it’s after Spring, because then theoretically I could actually legally drive there myself at that point.

    and Wait a minute, DaliahK, you’re from Wisconsin too?

  8. The Heckscher picnic area across from Ballfield #2 is actually directly in line with the 63rd St and Central Park West entrance. Those walking from the hotel will walk an extra 8 blocks (4 up, 4 back) if they enter through the 67th St entrance.

  9. Wish I could make it. I’m to tired from my last trip to N.Y.C.
    Have fun everyone who does go !

  10. For the love of God I guess I would have known about this if I made some recent videos huh?!

    Will be in NY from Sat-Monday planned trip already cool huh? What kinds of things are you guys going to do?!

    Nalts!!!! As always my Pa neighbor I look forward to meeting your crazy ass (that is if I can drag my bff there without knowledge!!) πŸ˜‰

  11. We had planned on going but now, hmmmm. Are we going to get there and find out it has moved again?

  12. Wish I could go but am currently an invalid (bad knee). Plus, I only got Internet back today after going without for almost a week and this is the first I’m hearing about it.

  13. dammit nalts! there was too a location and it was at 97th and 5th Ave- really close to my apt. now it’s totally across the park and could not possibly be in a more difficult location for me to get to. thanks a lot! see if i ever take you up to a roof again! πŸ˜‰

  14. So we’re meeting at Umpire Rock or at the 67th St Central Park entrance? If we’re meeting at Umpire Rock, why are you telling people coming from the south to enter at 67th?

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