Nothing Happened in Online Video Today

Despite some exhaustive news research, WillVideoForFood regretfully informs you that nothing happened in online video today. Nothing.

Tim Schmoyer can verify. He’s had to resort to a story about cloud editing. Please. How about hologram video cameras.

Hack this, person who previously owned and hacked it.

Nothing happened. Not zip. Sure there was the whole Microsoft YouTube channel hijack, but who cares? When was the last time Microsoft made news? And so what. Who cares. Microsoft gets hacked on YouTube. Anyone rooting for anyone but the hacker? Go hacker. Strap some on, and hack Redmond.

And the news about Joey quitting with an orchestra? That’s so September.

This stupid Halloween Thriller video was on my TiVo last night, and is high on the Viral Video Chart. Big shit. And here’s LMFAO Sexy and I Know It. See? Shit.

Okay- you know what? To celebrate the news void, I’d like to submit a Bob Saget or Tom Bergeron shitty AFV clip. Actually’s it’s kinda badass. This guy has good reflexes.


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