NBC’s Ann Curry Joins ImprovEverywhere Prankers in “I Love Lunch” Musical

Ann Curry joined in a “spontaneous” musical about lunch at Trump Tower, and the ImprovEverywhere team worked with NBC to capture the fantastic moment in “I Love Lunch! The Musical.”  Watch the Today Show coverage of the event and see some fantastic photos by visiting ImprovEverywhere.com.

The bit borrows heavily from my favorite ImprovEverywhere clip “Food Court Musical,” but gives me goosebumps anyway. Charlie Todd’s mission is to to bring people a fun, harmless, interesting moment. And their reactions bring a wonderful richness to the experience. 5 of the largest stars possible.

I met Todd last year, and have remained puzzled why this format couldn’t substantiate an incredible 30-minute television show. It’s simply brilliant.

You may also like the Grocery Store Musical. “They turned life into a musical,” says a bystander. Could we ask for more?

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  1. Those improveverywhere videos crack me up. There is no way in hell I would want to actually participate in it, but I enjoy watching them.

  2. I think the most brilliant part about it is getting a security guy / mall cop involved. Just when you think they’re busted, the conspiracy turns out to be even more awesome.

  3. meh, I thought the first few were great in the beginning, but it kinda got old fast which probably means it would be a big hit on TV with behind the scenes clips and rehearsals – These sorts of things remind of a violin concerto, more fun to play than listen to.

    just to show you how grumpy and antisocial I am these days, I walked into the other side of town grocery store to pick up some food for dinner when upon entering I noticed some local tv personality in the veggie sections filming something or other – he actually smiled and waved at me like he knew me – I nodded back, smiled with a quick wave and grabbed a cart when I realized he was standing right in front of he avocados which is why I went into the store in the first place – this pissed me off. A crowd gathered, the produce employees were drooling and I quickly headed to the other side of the market to preserve what’s left of my 15 minutes until they left. One thing I did notice, tv people look better on tv.

    anyone here think they look better on You Tube?

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