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MyBowlAd Gives Video Creators & Brands a Discount Cameo on Superbowl

MyBowlAd.com is offering a chance for average Joe’s and low-budget brands to appear on a 30-second Superbowl ad. In this video on YouTube, viewers are encouraged to submit a video response to enter. Meanwhile the three guys sponsoring the initiative hope to raise funds by selling a one to five seconds of advertising for $15-$100K (depending on whether a logo appears on a t-shirt or sign, and for what duration).

Is $15-$100K worth a second of airtime? I’m guessing it will be for mid-sized brands that want to demonstrate that they’re playing in consumer-generated media and that desperately want to appear in the Superbowl but can’t afford the average $2.7 million for 30 seconds. Naturally success depends on two things:

  1. Can these guys garner at least $2.7 million worth of advertisers by their summer deadline? This will take some serious PR and selling.
  2. Will the “buzz” around this provide perceived benefits beyond the 1-5 seconds of branding? I’m thinking this is pretty safe.

Source: Dylan’s Couch (CinemaFreaks).

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  1. I wanted to like this but it’s beginning to stink already. I don’t think they’ve thought it through. Have you seen the video responses? Highly talented bunch – not. And then I went to the site to check out their “sponsors” – and so far it’s a ghost town. The deadline is 5th of May? They’ve been featured on YouTube but it only shows 6,500 views? Good luck. I’d like to play but how can you compete with the likes of xgobobeanx and her entourage? Oh yeah…maybe it’s just me…but I fucking HATE IT when someone tells me they’re “cool” – that just tells me they’re not.

  2. I don’t get this. just don’t see how anybody’s going to remember a 1 to 5 second ad unless it involves killing or copulation. But maybe that’s just me.

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