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  1. Congrats to Freddy? XD I got one of those e-mails last week or something like that … so I signed up and monetized a few videos. I don’t think that it’s full-blown partnership … but then again, I have a ton of videos …

  2. I swear, if I see, or hear, the word MONETIZE again, I’m going to inflict physical harm on someone. It’s as annoying as “incentivize.” Grammar people. PLEASE. Now that that’s out of the way, I definitely think Freddy has more talent than most of the current partners. Be scared, Shaycarl. Be very scared.

  3. You Tube is going to the dogs…it kinda seems like it became too easy or something even though I haven’t hit it big… it seems like before partners the channels had to be very creative to make money and then when partners first began you had to be a real comedian…You Tube used to be full of wackos and crazies…now its all la…deee…da…are we just too focused on our own interest now? I mean is it too late to hit the wider audience with a video for everyone? You know something that is so crazy that everyone must see it and it is community and it is a riot…

  4. This is not a partnership. We talked about this before. You get to share ad revenue, but you don’t get the branding perks and stuff associated with being an actual partner. I got one of those emails a couple months ago and am earning a few pennies, but YouTube rejected my partner application.

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