MTV Cribz Satire Gives LisaNova Last Laugh on MadTV

In a spoof of MTV Cribz, LisaNova takes you through her teen cribz with her “giant ugly bitch face” friend Jasmine (Kassemg with a remarkable ability to stay cross-eyed).

Lisa Donovan is showing MadTV (a show that had her for only four episodes) that she is having the last laugh.

This episode of the new “TheStation” also shows that high-production qualities can sometimes not get in the way of good comedy. See Ceciley Jenkins (a real actress!?) playing a slave, while the amateurs secure the key roles. A statement about the medium called YouTube?

This video doles out calculated repetition like Steve Martin’s classic sugar-pour, drops recurring gags in the style of Green Acres, and proves that even a 2-second cameo can have you steal the show.

TheStation chose to release outtakes on TheStation2 (a secondary channel that already has 140K plus subscribers- TheStation has 400K) before the release of this video… giving hard-core fans a bonus and “inside edge.”

Still not sure TheStation is a sustainable play, but I’ll be laughing until it folds or “jumps the shark,” and hoping it lasts as long as the latter. At the least, I think this will springboard LisaNova (and perhaps some of her accomplaces) into something bigger… and certainly give broadcasters a cause for curious concern.

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  1. I loved it so much I posted it as a featured You Tube Video on my website. The Station has my support. And have you checked out “ThaStation”? A spoof of spoofs!

  2. I like how they are staying hip and current. Maybe next they can do a parody of Jackass or The Osbournes.

  3. They have been good so far but I feel what you are saying nalts. something is going to happen to the station and we will have to wait and see what it will be. Enjoy you suff as well.

  4. @3 Didn’t think about that fact! Heh. Maybe a few more Palin parodies. Seriously- we’re not sick of her. @4 I think I’ve already blown that.

  5. Nalts, you should make a Station with some of the other older guys from YouTube like Ed Bassmaster, Greg Benson, and Jack Vale. I’d definitely subscribe to something like that.

    I don’t find TheStation very appealing, but then again I haven’t seen much of their stuff (either as a group or as individuals). I’m certainly not going to watch any of their videos that have someone’s butt crack as the thumbnail.

  6. Nutcheese:
    I like French toast. Does Rey make it good? Is it soft in the middle but still spongy? Does he used quality powdered sugar? Can I come for breakfast without getting buttfucked in your vestibule or cornholed at the busstop? What kind of neighborhood halfway house are y’all running anyway?

  7. I checked out some vids on TheStation. I am more than mildly disappointed. The fare seems dominated by explicit sexual reference. I know the age grouping is younger than my 45 years, but come on people, there ARE other entertainment content choices……………….
    The Station has a shot here to show the world something,…to show the variety of talent capable of being generated by this great social/media experiment that is YouTube, but so far most of the skits feel like they were all written by the same writer, getting his creative from back issues of Hustler magazine.

    If The Station sticks with this narrow creative window, and thinks that this type of content is their best shot at getting Industry Cred. or with the hardcore YouTube faithful for that matter, I think they are going to be sorely disappointed.

    Jared Cicon (A Youtube Producer whom EVERY member of the family can appreciate)

  8. this was too long

    Kassemg was pretty good, but I just don’t think Lisa Nova pulled it off, She does some things well, but not this, it’s like she’s walking through a rehearsal – and I don’t want to analyze this too much, but most of her acting says, ‘I’m acting, I’m not really like this in real life, it’s just pretend, okay?’ Which makes me think she’d rather be doing something else.

  9. I’ll give lisa some credit where its due, she did do well accordingly, I believe, however, Kassem stole the sketch from her. But why was bdonski even there? He seems to be just hanging out as background art, like Buck Henry in an John Belushi “Samurai” sketch (Early SNL for you readers born after 1980). Also, they posted a “response” sketch to all the “haters” of their product yesterday which was funny yet honest:

    Also, im agreement w/ some folks in here, why all the language/sexual references? Im in my early 30’s and I enjoy edgy alt-comedy (UCB, Patton Oswalt, David Cross, Sarah Silverman, ect..) but they also have decent writing,storytelling and excellent timing that makes their point and keeps the audience interested till the next punchline, not just a string of f/s words and scatological humor. Again, once these things are tightened up, you’ll see more praise from the online/traditional press and views.

    DangerNation (A Youtube Channel Producer As Well), OFF!

  10. Hey Chris,
    Thanks for your input. I hope you are right about the writing getting ‘tightened up’. It would be a shame if The Station was pigeonholed for being one dimensional or intellectually lazy when it comes to content.

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