Microsoft Speech Recognition Demo Goes Awry
Great clip from Video Rambler. How’d you like to be this guy demoing Microsoft Vista’s “speech recognition” at this moment?
Great clip from Video Rambler. How’d you like to be this guy demoing Microsoft Vista’s “speech recognition” at this moment?
NOTE: Made a video about this. Watch it! So you’re trying to sell some candy in Japan (Glico’s Ice Nomi), and you sign a pop band that appears to be an SNL parody of Gorgeous Tiny Chicken Machine Show (see “fun fact” at end). Sales are up, but you decide you could sell another 30% of…
Who got better? Who got better at sucking? WatchMojo helps you out… if you were under a rock all year.
Last night I was discussing with Cory (mrsafety) the concept of doing a video for the audience or yourself. We agreed that an enduring motive was making videos that pleased ourselves. But it’s worth noting that many of my favorite Nalts videos never went far — like this video below with about 12,000 views after…
Remember that girl in high school that slept with everyone? If she rejected you, you knew you were beyond hope? I think we’ve all lost hope. Many signs point to YouTube cleaning up. YouTube appears to be policing obscene content and maybe some of the vast amount of copyright violations (which, remember, are you the…
Charlie Todd, the genius behind more than 70 “ImprovEverywhere” stunts involving thousands of “agents” is going commercial. Despite a reluctance to commercialize his grassroots productions, Todd is partnering with Yahoo (to support a “go purple” campaign, according to this Advertising Age story). Todd livs in NYC and teaches improvizational comedy. Every few months he organizes an…
Snuggie parody of sleeved blankets
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Hahaha! Love it when Microshaft bungles!
Hey! I just noticed something: I haven’t turned on my TV in 3 days! I’m getting ALL my news and entertainment from the net now. Does that make me an early adopter?
You’re part of the 2006 “just say no to TV” generation. Lean forward not back. TV is like gathering the family around the old radio to listen to Orphan Annie and Ovaltine ads.