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Meet Viral-Video Creators at Metacafe Unfiltered

Revenue-sharing video site, metacafe-unfiltered-coffee.jpgMetacafe, has launched the first of a series called “Metacafe Unfiltered.” In this show, which I co-host with Angela Calman (MediaMogirl), we’ll meet some of the creators that have gained a following and earned money through Metacafe’s Producer Rewards program. The first episode was shot in LA and features SpacePainter — a fellow who has made decent cash and increased his sales because of his popularity on Metacafe.


One of my favorite creators, Dane from Gagfilms, will be in a future episode, and we’re taping two this weekend in NYC.

Initially we’re focusing on the people that have already developed an audience on Metacafe, but the show will eventually spotlight new creators. Get your favorite content on Metacafe and let us know if you’re interested in being featured.

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  1. That was pretty good! Sounds wasn’t the best, did they provide the equipment?

    You make a very good host; you were funny and entertaining and for such a short piece you let the guest talk, which so many people on television never seem to do.

    I didn’t get the part with the flame though, was that part of the process?

  2. “Meet viral video creators. . .” Does this mean you’re coming to my house?

  3. Hey Nalts – who was that chick with the metacafe hat at the meet up today?

  4. LOL – I was the one at the event. I’m Metacafe’s community manager. I was in NYC for the weekend so I decided to pop by. 🙂

    Mobijokes – that’s awesome! Congrats! We’ll definitely consider you. 😉

  5. cool show – i would pitch the only recurring character from my videos – former president william howard taft – but he’s kind of reclusive. and also dead.

    excellent work though. will definitely keep an eye on this.

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