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MediaMoGirl Debuts

mmg.jpgMediaMoGirl debuted this weekend with its first news report. The site combines news and comedy with the motto that “first we make you laugh, then we make you think.” Read more in the “about” section of MediaMoGirl. So each of the approximately 5-minute videocasts includes some short bits followed by a story on something important. Creator Angela Calman — who has worked in mainstream media for much of her career — cast me as the weather guy when we met via Metacafe’s PR team last month. I took the role seriously and got coaching from a real weather guy (see video). Rest assured Angela won’t let me near any of the programming that “makes you think.”

ac.jpgThis week’s edition:

  • A cellphone get’s stuck in a woman’s throat
  • Meet the new weatherman
  • Starbucks & Hugo Chavez
  • Feature: Justin Dillon- lead singer of the band Tremolo leads an online effort to change the world.

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  1. Nice spot, Kevin. The ‘one thing’ thing rings true and I loved the kids at the coffee shop where the youngest says “What does MINE say!?” Nice touch.

  2. Geoge Lucas doesn’t have quite the same problems with a green screen, although he does struggle a bit more with his cast….

  3. …nalts… didn’t i teach you anything back in ’98 about shooting green screen video… need i pull out the old clip of you saying, “i can’t read the screen, it’s going ‘schweeen… schween…'”

  4. Ohhhhh. Now I figured out who PC is. While you’re here, would you please inform me how to turn my basement into the cheapest studio ever? Want to come over with green paint?

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