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Mariah the Pickle Girl on Maury

Pickle phobia maria pickle girl maurySo I’m still in the hospital. Nothing like sitting with an IV, watching Maury and blogging on a 56K line. Anyway, “Nicole the Nurse” just saw me watching Maury and observed my anxiety about my IV line leaking blood. She asked if I watch WebJunk.

She said she just saw a segment from Maury that showed a girl who was terrified by pickles. Here’s the clip. It got me thinking about something besides my broken IV line. And it only took about 15 minutes to cache from YouTube.

(Pickle, phobia, fobia, maury, maurie, mory, pickle girl, webjunk)

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  1. You’re STILL in the hospital? And where was your epinepherine pen? A combination of niacin and gourmet coffee got me one time. After freaking out that my head had turned lobster red and my throat had shut off all breathing, I jammed the e-pen into the fleshy part of my leg just above the knee like you’re supposed to and joilla, almost instant breathing. The almost part can seem like a long, long time, but it’s still a lot faster than a ride to County General.

    Keep your e-pen in your videocam case which will always be nearby, won’t it!

  2. Ah ha! Great suggestion. I’ll keep my epipen with the videocamera and I’ll never be without it. Fantastic.

    Back home now. Just edited the dramatic video of my trip to the hospital. Pitching my sister on doing an ABC Good Morning America segment of video obsession.

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