Latest YouTube Stats in Infographic Video

Here’s everything you wanted to know about YouTube in 2012 courtesy of James Wedmore. Examples:

  • 76% of marketers plan on increasing their use of YouTube and video marketing …making it the top marketing strategy to invest in for 2012.
  • YouTube is STILL
    1. …the 3rd most visited website in the world
    2. …the 2nd Largest Search Engine in the World
    3. …the world’s largest video sharing platform

YouTube has

  • over 800 million monthly unique viewers worldwide
  • YouTube Receives over 4 Billion Video Views Daily
  • In 2011, YouTube had over one TRILLION total views
  • That’s over 140 views for every man woman and child on earth.

TopRank finds that online video is expected to grow 55% this year and is the top format for content marketing. With a 41% higher click-through rate than plain text, video is predicted to reach 90% of all web traffic by the year 2014

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  1. “…video is predicted to reach 90% of all web traffic by the year 2014.”

    What does this mean? Web traffic measured by data transferred, page impressions, time spent on the web, or some other metric?

    1. I think it just means that by sheer bandwidth, videos will be the bulk of web activity. Stands to reason since video requires a lot more than text and images.

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