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“Larry the Cable Guy” Wants to Meet Media Buyers

larry-cable-guy.jpgI’m attending a Feb. 9 (Friday) “sneak peek” of a new broadband comedy-video channel at a cocktail party and concert at Radio City Music Hall. They are offering a limited number of invites for people in the media buying community.

The concert will feature a top-grossing comedian in America, “Larry the CableGuy.” If you are on the media and/or client side for products aimed at young men, send a note with your job title and clients to RCMHBCC @ aol.com. The invites are limited so act quickly. I hope to see you there. Cocktails at 6, Concert at 8. And we will get to meet Larry before the show.

And yes I’ll be sneaking a camera in to meet Larry. What’s he gonna do? Kick my ass? I can totally… er… handle him.

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  1. When you see Larry, tell him to “git-r-done.” That’s his trademark line from the Blue Collar Comedy tour. And play up your Alabama good ole boy hunting connections.

  2. Gah I wanna live near you, it’s hard to stalk you when you live so far away! What are you planning on videoing? Are you going to tape the whole performance?

  3. Larry the cable guy in a nalts video (or two, or three)? Now there’s a don’t miss video right there!

  4. Nothing says Broadband Comedy quite like the hero of the tractor-pull demographic…. Or maybe I’m just grousing because I won’t be there… I believe the Cable Guy thinks the internet is something you catch interfish with….

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