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  1. I posted this on the video as well, but I’m going to repeat it anyways.

    That video seriously disturbed me, don’t disturb me at 4:36 in the morning.

    hey, do I smell sukatra?

  2. Nalts, I’m surprised you didn’t post a synopsis post about the Yotube gathering! I came to this website like 25 times yesterday looking for it!

  3. the end of this video made me think of what some people’s colons must feel like on this blog, so I’d like to start a charitable fund to help a few readers here get to a GI –

    anyone care to offer suggestions?

  4. There’s nothing wrong with grown men crying at the end of a kid’s movie. Wait; yes there is. Suck it up Nalts, and grow a pair!

    BTW, NutCheese: How’s Rey doing?

  5. Oh this is just plain wrong. This video still hasn’t shown up in my subs new vids list. (fourtymurppp year old sobbing noises) Happy birthday to me…

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