
Keeping Ad Executives Relevant

heinz.jpgThis consumer-generated advertising phase is soooo over. Get real. A bunch of idiots with a webcam will never threaten big agencies. In fact I “threw” this Heinz ketchup ad just to keep the advertising agency model vibrant.

There were more than 2,600 entries to the Heinz Ketchup contest on YouTube. Voting occurs between August 27 and September 10, and the prizes include cash and the chance of having your clip seen on television.

I don’t plan to win given the competition and the “inside joke” line at the end. But I do hope ChurchofDave ranks.

Is it just me or is this contest running slower than ketchup pouring from a bottle of Heinz?


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  1. If churchofdave was to win I would make Heinz ketchup my stain maker of choice 😉 Haven’t heard an ad jingle that good since the late 1970s.

  2. I have an idea for a Heinz video… but I think it will get disqualified… and my YT account would get closed.

  3. yes, painfully slow. our submission was posted two days ago and still has not appeared on the site… i think they had no idea how many submissions they’d get. it’s the freakin’ internet, 2600 is peanuts.

  4. My entry still hasn’t appeared in Heinz’ contest either. I entered at the last minute, well, during the last two hours. I can’t believe I forgot considering that this is one of the most popular online video contests right now (it’s on bottles of Heinz.) I didn’t put too much effort in it because there are a lot of professional entries and I only had like a few hours to come up with something.

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