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Jupiter: Online Video Advertising’s “Best Years” Not Until 2009 or 2011

online-video.gifAccording to eMarketer, Jupiter is cautious about online video advertising near-term’s growth. Jupiter is “advising that online video advertising’s best years may be yet to come, not until 2009 or 2011, when video is expected to become a standard offering of online publishers.”

The reason that online video ad revenues are not growing faster, according to a recent article in Media Life, is that currently “much of the video inventory online is haphazardly placed and users have not developed predictable viewing habits.”

Very important point by Media Life… it’s still hard to target an audience.

Our thoughts on Jupiter’s cautious estimate… this all depends on how you define online video advertising:

  • Is it any online advertising that appears around online videos?
  • Is it strictly rich-media ads with video?
  • Is it pre-roll, post-roll videos with online videos?

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