Interactive Game, High Quality Video and iPhone

This morning I woke up as a middle-aged dad, but after a few cups of coffee I became Evan, a young office drone caught up in a conspiracy involving hot secret agents, crooked bankers and an army of armed thugs. I dodged cars and bullets while deciding whom to trust and whom to kill.

Bank Run uses online video to give a cinematic gaming experience. The tool on the right smashed me with a golf club.

In “Bank Run,” an online-video cinematic experience and iPhone game, you’ll find yourself as immersed in two of the three screens as you can get until someone finally makes hologram applications. The film-like game is clever because it teases you via desktop, and then invites you to pay $1.99 for the iPhone application to continue.

Check out a more thorough review by the passionate video and entertainment guru Freddy Nager at Atomic Tango.

“Bank Run” is the creation of  SilkTricky, a Portland, Oregon-based digital agency that launched its first live-action interactive film, “The Outbreak,”in September 2008.  “The Outbreak” featured rampaging zombies, bloodied characters and viewers in charge. Fueled by reviews on blogs and social media, “The Outbreak” attracted over one million views during its eight-month run online.

Can a banking experience rival a zombie outbreak? This one might. So expect to see a few more people take on Ethan… and watch out for cars, bats and golf clubs. Ouch.

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