ImprovEverywhere Goes Commercial

charlie todd, improveverywhere founderCharlie Todd, the genius behind more than 70 “ImprovEverywhere” stunts involving thousands of “agents” is going commercial. Despite a reluctance to commercialize his grassroots productions, Todd is partnering with Yahoo (to support a “go purple” campaign, according to this Advertising Age story).

Todd livs in NYC and teaches improvizational comedy. Every few months he organizes an amazing stunt that involves often hundreds of people performing odd acts in public. Todd has explored television pilots, but has kept the productions small and sponsor free. With the views he’s getting on YouTube, I’d guess he’s not likely far from living off the Partner revenue.

He’s also well underway with an MP3 tour, where spontanious actors will download an MP3 and follow instructions to create visual cinema. Learn more about the MP3 Experiment at ImprovEverywhere.

I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Todd in NYC, and he’s a modern Alan Able but oftn without an agenda other than entertainment. Speaking of which, I just watched “Able Raising Cain,” a documentary produced by the famed media hoaxer. He’s currently speaking in Europe but I think I’ve convinced him to participate in a YouTube video in November.

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  1. I like how I am probably the biggest ass here but for some reason cannot resist commenting seriously more than half of the time…

    It’s getting kind if creepy…

  2. I’m building up a “dirty old blogger” persona to set the stage for the video where Jo hits me with a Yellow Pages book. “Why’d you do that,” I ask. “So it doesn’t bruise.”

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