I’m Gonna Kick Your Ass on the Cartoon Caption Contest, Peter

Hey, Peter. Yeah- Peter Justason. The guy I used to work with at Johnson & Johnson. I’m gonna kick your ass on Meskimen’s new cartoon-caption contest. Instead of semi-annual, he’s going for WEEKLY. I will destroy you.

See his announcement here.

For the rest of you… about 5 years ago before your fancy moving pictures, this was my favorite thing to do on the Internet when The Onion wasn’t fresh. See more at www.appliedsilliness.com.

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  1. I totally need to try this caption contest thing. Creativity is not one of my strong points, so this could be good practice.

  2. I am dealing with this turtle and rabbit appearance in my YouTube video sound options and I’m baffled.

  3. Nalts, thanks for challenging your worthy opponents to the new Cartoon Contest game… it’s going to be a challenge for me, too, to keep the ‘toons rolling out in this new format.
    But it seems like a good idea to follow your advice and get this contest up on its feet again.
    And thanks too for the very kind write up on the Jibjab interview with Knestor and Evan S. That was very sporting of you.
    Your fan,

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