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I Saw That Video on… Um… the Internet.com

forgot.jpgI ask my dad what medicine he's taking, and he says "the one from CVS Drugstore." You ask millennials (people born after 1980) and 33% can't name the TV networks (according to a Bolt Survey covered by ClickZ). Such is the dilemma of being a middleman between a creator and a consumer. Nobody remembers you.

You're not going to remember that you learned this factoid — about TV networks fading to obscurity — on WillVideoForFood, much less ClickZ. Maybe you'll remember it was a Bolt survey.

Right now we're all fascinated by the places… MySpace, YouTube, Revver, eBay. But what really matters is the stuff, the videos, the community. That's what will transcend the individual players and channels. Do you care where you got your soft drink? Probably not. Will you drink another brand? Probably not.

One in three millennials (people born after 1980) can't name the TV networks.

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