I Make a Video Everytime You Poop

Years ago, when I was on a YouTube tear, I was posting daily videos. Most people discouraged this behavior, arguing that I should focus on quality not quantity. While both are important, I’ve let frequency suffer in pursuit of the elusive “good” video that people would share and view.

After Trippy’s wedding I decided to return to my old slogan of “making a video everytime you poop.” Here’s the playlist titled “Holiday Blitz.” By dubbing it that, I’m hoping not to pressure myself into another long-term commitment I won’t keep. But for the meanwhile, despite modest views, I’m having fun again.

So anyway that explains the minimalist posting here on the blog.

Nalts makes a video everytime you poop.

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  1. I really miss your driving vlogs because it gave you a chance to display your subtle sense of humor. Plus I was waiting breathlessly for a spectacular car crash.

  2. So glad you don’t have Crohn’s, or we’d have a video every hour. I just want to see more of Sukatra’s witty comebacks on your blog, so she’ll stop texting me vulgar jokes.

  3. Nalts, you’ve inspired me to get back into making videos again..thank you man!!

  4. I’ve been loving the more frequent updates! I think most of us are less interested in “quality” and more interested in our para-social relationships. 🙂

  5. I created a video using the Goanimate app, then someone claimed they owned the rights to the visual content, so it is no longer monetized. Which are both completely Absurd and ridiculous. I think i will just claim ownership of ALL youtube videos!

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