I am to Korea what Jerry Lewis is to France.

Well maybe the headline is an overstatement because I have no idea what this Korean website is saying about me. But I’m sure it’s something like “he’s a viral video genius” who knows marketing and online-video better than anyone else in the globe.  If you happen to speak or read Korean, I’d invite a translation. Google Translator isn’t much help, and the other sites turn this text into something that makes no sense…

, 자칭 바이럴 비디오 천재입니다. 온라인 스타도 아니고 머라고 해야하죠. 자칭이니 힘들군요.

모바일 비디오 – 현재 아주 소수만이 모바일을 위핸 비디오를 제작하고 있다. 모바일 비디오는 다른 카메라 샷, 그리고 더 타이트한 스토리가 필요하다. 소수 제작자들은 스폰을 받기 시작했고 모바일 업체들은 컨텐츠 수급에 목말라 있다. 따라서 2008년은 암흑기를 지나 일본과 핀란드에서 일어난 일에 근접하는 기간이 될 것이다.더 중요한 것은 모바일에 있어서의 근본적인 교착상태이다.사용자의 요구는 천천히 늘고 있고 망사어자와 컨텐츠 소유자는 서로 권한에 대한 양보를 하고 싶어하지 않고 있다. 거기다 수익은 작다. 밴처는 상황을 조용히 해결하고 싶어하고 큰 업체들은 컨트롤을 위한 전쟁을할 것이다.

비디오 광고 – 구글의 InVideo광고가 명확한 모델이다. 덜 성가시며 타겟팅이 가능하다. 그리고 마케터들에게 먹힌다. pre-roll은 고급컨텐츠에서 보게 될 것이고 비디오 주위의 배너는 일반화될 것이다.

누가 망할까요? – 2진그룹의 비디오 서비스들은 큰 회사에 팔리거나 아니면 사라질 것이다. 2007년 Youtube와 그 외 서비스들의 market share의 격차는 엄청나게 벌어졌다. 온라인은 아마 하나 또는 두개의 major player로 정리될 것이다. 최고의 기술을 가지고 있더라고 사용자를 모으지 못해서 또는 광고주를 모으지 못해서 다들 사라질 것이다. 예로는 Revver가 있겠다.

온라인 비디오 스타 – 아쉽게도 인터넷 비디오를 통해 아마추어가 스타가 되는 일이 예상만큼 일어나고 있지 않다. 헐리우드 스타일은 무시할 수 없다. 비용구조가 받쳐주지 않음에도 불구하고 투쟁없이 변하는 것은 없을것이다.

드라마작가 파업 – 작가들은 그들이 원하는 것을 얻게 될 것이다. (그러니까 다른 매체를 통해 얻어지는 광고 수익에 대한 배분)

일시적인 비디오 유행 – 광고에 기반한 공짜 라이브 비디오 스트리밍 서비스들은 고객에겐 아주 좋으나 돈이 될 곳이 안보인다.돈을 받게 되거나 사라지는 것을 보게 될 것이다. (Stickam / Skype)

자칭 천재시지만 많은 부분 매우 현실적인 상황인식이 보이시는 분입니다.

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  1. It’s a polemic from North Korea on the evils of online capitalism.

    No wait. It’s an apologia.

    No wait. It’s and invitation from Sum Dung Me to come visit Pyong Yang in the Kyonggi-do Province (where I was married).

  2. I speak Korean. Here’s a rough translation:

    “Maniacal dictator of North Korea Kim Jong Il today demanded that he be given the original nalts hat, worn by nalts in nearly every one of his 10,000 videos. If denied, the dictator says he will launch all his nuclear weapons at sites all over the earth and essentially obliterate the world.

    When negotiators attempted to appease him by offering him the nalts CD, he laughed hysterically and then walked away, muttering ‘I have finger on button, you give me nalts hat now.’

    In other news, the evil imperialist corporation Youtube continues to refuse to make Youtube creator sukatra a partner. When pressed as to why, Youtube representatives laughed hysterically and then walked away, muttering ‘we have finger on button, maybe we suspend her instead.'”

  3. Mobile video – currently, only a handful of wihaen mobile video production. Mobile video is different camera shots, and more is needed tayiteuhan story. Developed by a small number have started to receive sponsor of the supply and demand and mobile content companies are thirsty. Therefore, the year 2008 or the Dark Ages Japan and the proximity to what happened in the period, Finland will be more important is the fundamental deadlock of a mobile user’s needs and is slowly increasing, and uh Mesh content owners permission for each other Wants to be without concessions. And then there’s revenue is small. To resolve the situation baencheo sipeohago big companies are quietly for the control jeonjaengeulhal.

    Video ads – Google’s ads are clearly InVideo model. Simyeo targeting is less annoying. And marketers who it is functioning. pre-roll is an advanced video content will be around to see the banner will be the regular.

    Who damn? — Two big companies are jingeurupui Farley or video services will disappear. 2007 Youtube and other services out of the market share gap widened. Books are probably one or two will be cleaned as a major player. The best technology to collect users have found that they did not make it disappear or advertisers did not make it will collect. An example is Revver billionaires.

    Online video stars – Unfortunately, the video through the Internet, an amateur star of thing does not happen as expected. Hollywood style is not negligible. Despite the cost structure is not Keep it there should be no change without a struggle.

    Drama writers strike – a writer they will get what they want. (I mean, obtained through other media for advertising revenue distribution)

    Trendy casual video advertising – a free live video streaming services based on their customers have a place to be a very joteuna not see any money. Take the money or the will to see that disappear. (Stickam / Skype)

    Many self-proclaimed genius, but part of the very real situation when you see the recognition minutes.

  4. Hey Nalts,

    I have two really important questions for you (and anyone who wants to answer).

    1. Have you heard of 4chan.org? I was reading this interview from the Chocolate Rain guy, and apparently this anonymous message board is where the excitement about the video originated. They claim the same for a lot of YouTube phenomena. I wonder how they fit into your concepts of viral video?

    2. OK, so I know that translation didn’t make sense, but the phrase “Revver billionaires” made me wonder whether stories have been circulating about such people. Have you heard this phrase before?

    Liked your “Ignored” video. Will be in the Northeast Aug 12 to Aug 30 if you have a chance to grab lunch. The project proposal for my YouTube ethnography was well received. Everyone in the anthro department here at Millsaps is really excited about it!


  5. I am Korean and i can translate this for you in a nut shell. the Koreans Would like to throw out Chairman Moa and take Nalts as their leader, thus making Koreans funnier and more accepted in the world. their AIM is to replace the Japanese as funniest orientals. Ok maybe my korean is a little rusty, but thats the basic translation.

  6. Okay willie I know you know this, but the asshat in me compels me to say two things:

    1. it’s Chairman Mao, not Moa.
    2. He’s been dead since 1976.

  7. Being the Jerry Lewis of Korea is not necessarily a good thing, Nalts.

    Sukatra: I absolutely loved your translation. Although the one from 1994cg made more sense.

  8. EvilSukatra

    you will never be truly be evil unless you learn to lie. for the record, Chairman MAO Is not even Korean, he is Chinese
    And He is Not DEAD, news travels so slow over there, even he has not confirmed his own death yet, however, those in power that recieved the undead MAO, would rather have a moving Corps lie Nalts versus the fat Smaelly one that is MAO. Stick that in your rice cake and float on it. I hope your chop sticks break and cause an international incident involving a goat, you and some sushi! thats what you are!

  9. EvilSukatra

    you will never be truly be evil unless you learn to lie. for the record, Chairman MAO Is not even Korean, he is Chinese
    And He is Not DEAD, news travels so slow over there, even he has not confirmed his own death yet, however, those in power that recieved the undead MAO, would rather have a moving Corps like Nalts versus the fat Smelly one that is MAO. Stick that in your rice cake and float on it. I hope your chop sticks break and cause an international incident involving a goat, you and some sushi! thats what you are!

  10. An international incident involving chopsticks and a goat????

    I am so turned on right now.

  11. I can translate the english phrases for you: youtube,market share,major player,revver,stickam,skype…….YW dont mention it 😉 Btw,does anyone know what the heck all the square symbols represent on the japanese,korean,chinese,asian websites? Theyre all exactly the same,just a bunch of squares in a row,must be a number system or something?

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