How to Update Your YouTube Channel Page to New Beta Look

Here’s the link to upgrade your partner channel to the “secret” new one in beta.

What we like:

  • It keeps people within your videos and channel page as they browse (instead of dragging them around)
  • It has some nice ways of separating your recent content from your best content (via playlists)
  • It’s prettier, even if it’s a bit “Hulu” like

What we don’t like (and why we chose to keep ours on the old one):

  • It’s hard to get to your most recent videos, sorted by date
  • Some of the special playlist boxes receive less attention
  • The description of your content is tucked below the fold

Here’s a blog with more. What do you like/not like? Hey- it’s in beta. Gotta give ’em some feedback, right?


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  1. oh neato pajeeto! Another partners only feature on youtube! Swell!

    Speaking of which, have I mentioned that my partnership application got rejected for the 13th time today? Yup! I’m just THAT talentless. Enjoy all your cool features, Nalts, because I just about give up. Youtube makes me sick nowadays.

  2. Sorry Kevin; you’re wrong. Non-partners can change their profile to the new BETA too. [Examples: TheAussieNinja, JabbaBird.] Unfortunately the beta is still quite buggy. It seems impossible to change the “featured” video short of reverting back to the old style, changing the video, and then changing back. But the most annoying issue I’ve come across to date is that you cannot watch favourited videos on the profile if they have embedding options turned off.

    There’s an official YouTube Channels Beta blog too for feedback and complaining and what-not.

  3. looks new

    has a blip or revver feel about it

    little buggy, but it’s ok

    not like You Tube actually cares what users think

    that’s all I got

  4. Speaking of Youtube, have you guys noticed lately how the Youtube stars’ videos suck the big one? It’s like the color was bleached out. Like bland hospital food. Where’s the salt? I mean P.U. with a capital P. Stinkers. I can smell their breaths through my laptop screen. Stinko. Dirty butt-like. Bad stuff. Stoopid. Like popcorn farts in a windstorm.

    Anyone else notice?

  5. Save Reubnick. Thanks JohnofJordon. Marquis- I think it’s because most of the stars (and even me) are putting their vids up really high def. Then when they’re played back in normal (because high def is still slow and buggy) they look like shit. Maybe?

  6. I tried it, couldn’t find my background image and went ‘Meh’. Hit the revert button, I’ll wait until it’s forced on me

  7. “Woah Get Me Out Of Here”

    Its nice, but not going to bother changing my background around until I have to change.

  8. I didn’t mean I give up with Youtube, I just meant with being a partner. After 13 rejections, I got the hint.

    I’m pretty sure, though, that even if youtube is a cold, heartless, money making corporation now, with no regards for the little video-makers like me whatsoever, I couldn’t ever quit it. It’s like a drug. I’m just going to stop trying so hard with it is all. I mean, with 2 and a half years, 74 videos, and still less than 510 subscribers, I see that I’m not really destined to ever get payed for my videos, or progress much more. But what can a guy do?

    Oh, and for what it’s worth, I think the new Beta channels looks horrible and terrible boring and impersonal. Just sayin’

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