How to Stop ALL Spam for Free
For reasons I can’t explain, I just spent the past half hour replying to comments about this video… using the word “poop” in each one.
For reasons I can’t explain, I just spent the past half hour replying to comments about this video… using the word “poop” in each one.
VidMetrix and Hey!Spread are finally solving that age-old problem of uploading videos to multiple sites (source: Craig Rubens of NewTeeVee). I haven’t tested these yet, but would be interested to know if anyone has had any experience with them.
Sometimes it takes a few dozen cats to step on a land mine, before the rest of us decide to take a different route. It seems we’re still not clear on one of the most basic rules of social media and advertising. Transparency when it comes to advertising via social media. Let’s officially mark this…
I met recently with Steve Rubel, who Business Week once called “the all-knowing thumper in a forrest of bambinos.” He’s dumped his Micropersuasion, but still posts on Steve asked me what I knew about video and SEO, and prompted this succinct 101-post on “how to use online-video to crawl your way to the top…
My last post about Mad Men’s fake Peggy Olson character raises an interesting debate. Should the television show’s producers create the online-personas of the characters, or invite the public to assume them? The first “gold standard” case study for television & web integration was Heroes, which launched character identities online 3 months prior to the…
ZackScott, one of my favorite fearless video creators, returns for a guest blog post about winning a recent Xlntads ProQuo contest (disclaimer: Zack and I both contribute to Xlntads as members of a “creative advisor board, and he wins contests while I think about them). Zack told me yesterday, “I’m hoping people think I’m such…
Rumors on NY Times of an AppleTV overhaul that may make it more than a “hobby” (a term Steve Jobs used to describe the somewhat limited device). I, for one, already love the AppleTV so I’m bound to be excited about a new version. Heck I’d chose my AppleTV above my iPhone4G… which continues to…
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I live downtown San Francisco. Even going outside wouldn’t stop the spam.
Nutcheese- please comment on this video using the word poop. I’ve used it about 50 times in my comment replies.