How to Edit a Video Already Posted to YouTube

Does your video on YouTube stink? Now YouTube lets you edit it... after you've already posted it.

Now you can edit a video that’s already on YouTube. See the YouTube Blog for more information, and the brief video below…

Of course I tried editing videos I’ve posted, and did find the option to “edit video” in my video library. But the icon seen in the image to right (orange) didn’t show up…

  • on Google Chrome or Firefox.
  • In Panda or YouTube traditional.
  • On Nalts or Unclenalts.

And I’m officially throwing in the towel until the bug police show up… bring on the trained monkeys unless they’ve all snuck off to Sonar to get jobs. Who can resist a flight around the world and zero gravity? I’d pass on the Scotch and the pushups on the back of a weirdly flexible Asian woman.

Sonar is offering each new hire a case of scotch, flights in zero gravity, and their own personal flexible Asian woman to assist in pushups.


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  1. Oh boy, now were going to see lots of crummy videos with random filters just for the heck of it.

    WTF does Sonar have to do it? I’m not detecting
    a coherent train of thought here.

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