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  1. Okay, here’s a totally inappropriate joke I read today about Michael Jackson. If you are a michael jackson fanatic, stop reading now.

    So Phara Faucet dies and goes to heaven. God says “I’ll give you one wish” she says “i want all the children of the world to be safe.”
    so god kills Michael Jackson.

    HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! I’m going to hell for that one.

  2. Thank God I have this outlet for being totally inappropriate. I’d go nuts without it.

    Yeah, I know it. I already am nuts.

  3. So people like my totally inappropriate MJ joke. GLad to know I’m in the company of others who are just as twisted as me.

  4. Michael Jackson used to drive a souped-up Hudson with interior dashboard neon lighting up and down Highland and Cherokee in Hollywood late at night in the early 90’s. The interior dashboard lighting made him look like a 30s vampire.

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